Mission Transform

Professional Collaborations

Welcome to the Professional Collaborations section at Duxford International Business School, where we recognize the transformative power of partnerships in shaping a dynamic and globally conscious business landscape. Our commitment extends beyond the classroom, aiming to bridge the gap between academia and industry through strategic alliances. In this section, explore how Duxford actively fosters collaborations with renowned professionals, industry experts, and thought leaders. From collaborative research projects and industry-specific workshops to executive training programmes and joint events, our professional collaborations are designed to bring real-world insights into our academic ecosystem. These partnerships not only enrich our curriculum but also provide our students with valuable exposure to industry best practices, ensuring that, they graduate with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the professional world.
Duxford values the synergy created through professional collaborations, acknowledging that the exchange of ideas and expertise is essential for fostering innovation and staying ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape. By facilitating meaningful connections between academia and industry, we aim to create a holistic learning environment that prepares our students to become adaptable, forward-thinking leaders. Join us in this collaborative journey, where academia and industry converge to co-create a generation of professionals who are not only well-equipped with theoretical knowledge, but also attuned to the practical intricacies of the global business arena.

Professional collaborations areas at Duxford International Business School

  • Industry-Specific Workshops
  • Executive Training Programmes
  • Joint Research Projects
  • Internship and Placement Programmes
  • Guest Lectures and Speaker Series
  • Corporate Mentorship Programmes
  • Joint Conferences and Seminars
  • Industry Advisory Boards
  • Entrepreneur-in-Residence Programmes
  • Collaborative Research Centers
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Partnerships
  • International Exchange Programs
  • Industry-sponsored Projects
  • Dual Degree Programs
  • Technology and Innovation Partnerships
  • Networking Events and Career Fairs
  • Collaborative Marketing Campaigns
  • Industry Forums and Roundtables

Companies And Relations