Department | : | Statistics and Quantitative Techniques |
Email | : | |
Contact | : | +91 8125 689 418 |
Field of Specialization
Marketing, HR
Courses Taught/Teaching
IT Tools for Business, Sustainable Development, Statistical Software Packages, Statistics for Business, Legal and Business Environment, Consumer Behavior, Industrial Economics and Management, Professional Values and Ethics.
Research Area
Service Marketing, Consumer Behavior
Journal Papers Published
Rasheed, K., & Bellamkonda, R. (2022). Effect of Visual Servicescape Aesthetics Comprehension and Appreciation on Affective and Cognitive Evaluations, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions; An Empirical Analysis. World Journal of Management and Economics, 15(3), 22.
Rasheed K. Effect of Electronic Hedonic Service Quality (e-SHQ) on Pleasure, Arousal and Eudaimonic Well-Being; an Empirical Analysis. J Adv Res Qual Control Mgmt 2021; 6(1): 9-14.
MASTER Thesis Guidance
Orientation/Refresher/QIP CourseAttended/Organized
- Attended 30-Days Induction/OrientationProgaram on Research Methodology conducted by UGC HRDC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 15th February to 16th March 2022.
- Attended 14 Days Refresher Course conducted by UGC HRDC, University of Calicut, from February 24 to March 09, 2023.
- Presented a paper entitled “Customer Engagement in Value Co-Creation and Service Experience; Conceptual Framework and Implications for Future Research” at 2nd International Marketing Conference on Customer Engagement & Experience – Issues, Reflections & Future Strategies conducted by ICFAI Business School, Mumbai, on 14 and 15 April, 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Impact of e-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction; Examining the Trends in Consumer Behavior toward Online Food Delivery Services” at the two day IIM Indore-GIZ Germany Online Conference on the theme “Covid 19: Learnings and Implications for Management” on April 16-17, 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled “Unravelling the Impact of AI Integration on Educator’s Self-Efficacy; An Empirical Analysis using Intelligent-TPACK Scale” at An International Conference on “Role of AI in Higher Education” at Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Banglore on 22nd and 23rd February, 2024.
- Attended 10-Day workshop on Research Methodology conducted by Department of Management and Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata from 13-22 January 2020.
- Attended 14-Day online Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Tools and Techniques in Social Science Research” organized by Department of Management and Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata from 24th November to 7th December, 2020.