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About Us

Director, DIBS
Director's Message

Greetings from DIBS,
Duxford International Business School (DIBS), the new generation B School, envisions and nurtures Generation Next leaders. The Institute delivers programmes that are rigorous, relevant, and focused on the holistic transformation of young learners. DIBS’ systems, processes, and people, place learning and learners at the focal point of all actions. Aspiring to become Asia’s leading business school, the DIBS is committed towards excellence in everything including management teaching, research, consulting, executive training, entrepreneurship development, etc.
DIBS is not just an institution that teaches merely a bunch of concepts and frameworks in the classroom. What DIBS proposes to offer is a uniquely curated experience that blends academic rigor with industry relevance, delivered in an amazing experiential learning system. The Institute engages an extremely talented faculty team, with rich experience in academia as well as in Industry. The Institute develops the course curricula in active consultation with industry, ensuring that the teaching/learning process syncs with industry demands.
DIBS’ exciting range of PGP, Certificate, and Management Development Programmes create an enriching experience that leverages synergies across all offerings of the Institute. The Corporate Connect of the Institute is live and engaging that enhances the academic process by giving practical exposure to the faculty and students. That will enhance the work readiness and placement potential of DIBS graduates.
Looking forward to seeing you in the DIBS Campus.
Best Wishes

Prof. S Ganesan
Director, DIBS